Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Procrastination....the eighth deadliest sin.

So, I have (some may say severely, oops!) neglected the actual blogging portion of this project...
But here is what happpened...

I moved to Bloomington in August. Being in a unfamiliar place you kind of knock out old habits while trying to find some sence of normalcy in a new place. Things you were used to doing on a regular basis that are "unnessessary" during an adjustment period. Sadly, the thing I avoided doing when I arrived in Bloomington was recyling.

Well, I had been here for weeks feeling guilty for not disposing of things in a responsible fashion, and there were all sorts of excuses for just throwing things away. "I'm not exactly sure where the center is", or "Well, I think I will need one of those fancy blue bins to set out by the road", and even "Well, if I am not home much not a whole lot is getting thrown away".


Needless to say I was really excited when I heard about this project. It was the perfect "excuse" to get back into the habit of recycling.

Since the start of the five weeks I have been dumping stuff off at the recycling center religiously. By that, I mean once a week. I found my self going through the trash at home to dig out things that my roomate had tossed in (no names, wink wink), and unloading the amazing collection of glass that the metals studio accumulated over a period of time (I think I know who is responsible for all of those empty bottles of wine ....) I was dissapointed that they did not accept styrofoam, but the dissapointment faded slightly when I discovered the "Place and grab" Magazine rack, where you can swap out one of your (roomates...haha!) old cosmos for a titillating architectural digest.


Also, the center that I "couldn't find" is no more than a quarter mile down the street... there is no valid excuse to not do it

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


November 8th: This particular Sunday was glorious. Free of guilt I took a super long nap in the afternoon on the couch with the windows open. I also went to Lake Griffy for a loooooong leisurely walk. It was great to spend time crunching through the leaves, knowing that I wasn't allowed to work on the computer or check my phone, so I took my time instead of rushing back. I did want a hot lunch, but instead I had granola and fruit. I also finished reading a novel that I started several weeks ago, and began a second. Managed to put away the clean laundry that has been languishing on my floor for the past week and a half. Swept out the garage.

November 15: Woke up and wanted hot tea and toast... boo. Ate a banana, a handful of peanuts and had some tap water with Emergen-C. Had a tango workshop that lasted for a couple hours so both mind and body were occupied. Came home and found myself turning on my computer to check my email, didn't have anything pressing, but was thoroughly annoyed that I've committed to 8 hours without that technology, turned it back off. Went to
Griffy for a walk. Read some in Art & Fear which was a good thing. Had to fight to not pick up the laptop. Really wish I would have only committed to four or five hours. Unfortunately I broke down at the five hour mark, checked my email and looked at job postings, listened to some music. Being a lapsed catholic, I've felt guilty about it for the past two days as there was no good reason that I broke down.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

we've got a new promiser!

Name: Adrienne Loehle
Age: 58
Occupation: Medical Technologist
Place of Residence: Louisville, KY

1. I would like to drive slower in order to use less gasoline

2. Driving faster creates more expense on gas and is more dangerous. Its also more stressful and leads to speeding tickets. I'm sure speeding is probably harder on your car in the long run as well. If everybody would slow down and not go over 55 mph I imagine there would be a measurable impact on the demand for oil.

3. I will make a conscious effort to regularly check my speedometer to ho fast I'm going. I will also allow for extra time to get to where I am going so I don't have to be in a rush.

4. Driving slower will make my life less stressful in general. It also saves a little money on gas and creates a little less demand for oil.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

paper usage and tattle-tailing continues......

i am the master of my domain b/c i didn't used more than 6 sheets of paper last week.

AND i printed on both sides on the one's i did use - i think i can see trees growing as i write this down.Bold not to mention i'm brining back any paper i am handed or use during the day.

me = saint-like

and now for some Reports on fellow Promise Plate participants:

Shelly - again, you were in an airplane on sunday for god's sake. i can try and cut my use of paper all i want but it's not going to do any good if your jet setting around the country using up all our fossil fuels like your at a keg party with a beer bong.

and i could go on and on about the cell phone, the hotel, not to mention the chain restaurant you were eating in (cheddar-biscuit-head) .... but no, i'm just going to stick with how your making it difficult for me to breathe as your selfishly air-born.

seriously i think you should consider walking.

yes everywhere!

Phil - what i saw you consuming on friday night at the Alley bar was not a local beer and if i remember correctly you didn't seem at all concerned about where those peanuts came from - even as stale as they were.

and the squirrel - i'm not sure it's real. it looks as if it's the species: Sciurus carolinensis which ranges over the eastern United States to just west of the Mississippi River and north to Canada. Introductions have occurred in the western states and some of Canada that was not previously inhabited, as well as in Italy, Scotland, England and Ireland..... and we are no where near those places either.

OH - and i want proof you ate that squirrel.

Galatea - she has a stash of paper towel rolls under her bench. don't ask me why i was down
there - i just know. i also think she used them for her halloween costume. quite a bulge to acquire in such a short time..... suspect i think.

Andrew - he's been cheating and eating with his hands. and i don't think that's the same at all - unless your from india - and that boy is ohio through and through.

Cathy - well, i've never seen a label of the food that she is supposedly buying locally - she did mention something about free range chickens.... but i'm doubtful. they're not free range with little stun collars on them. that's just kind of sad.

end of report

Week # 2 - 3?

So still working on paper towel usage in the studio. Getting the kinks worked out, brought more towels from home so that's good. Home is going well. I've been using the same roll for three weeks now. On an unrelated note, I bought a lot of local produce at Bloomingfoods when I went shopping on Saturday. That's all I got.
Well... this Sunday I was a bit more successful than last.  This weekend I went up to my Grandpa's farm for the weekend-- left the computer at home and turned my phone off before I went to bed Saturday night.  He has a window in the bathroom so getting up and ready for church wasn't hindered.  I did cheat and turn on the hair dryer because it was f*cking cold in northwestern Ohio, however I tacked extra time on to the end of my "work day" without electricity.  I spent the day in church, sitting in a Red Lobster and hanging out with my family-- didn't need to turn anything on aside from my car and my camera.  I turned on the phone at 6:30 in the evening... I didn't die without my phone or my computer-- miracle of miracles.  No one calls me anyway except for my mom, and I was with her.

The past week and a half have been crazy-- I'm trying to get ready for a little show and as always technology has not be cooperating so I've spent way too many hours in front of the computer, so I'm really looking forward to this Sunday.  I'm going to READ, and go for a run at Griffy, make pinhole exposures, and play with my obese cat.  I CAN'T WAIT!! I just need to get through this week first.


Friday, October 30, 2009

Week One: No Waste

So far I've been pretty close to achieving my goal of no food waste. My shopping trip ended up being much more intentional that usual and as a result I spent a lot less than normal. Every item I picked up an item considered the actual possibility eating the entire thing. Unfortunately, I did have one slip-up this week. I was finishing up some left-overs from a crock-pot stew and went to answer my phone. When I came back to the couch my dog had his front paws on the coffee table and was gobbling down as much stew as he could. I had to make pretty tough judgement call but since there was only a few bites left, and although I love the little guy, I just can't cross into that realm of eating out of the same bowl as him. I decided to let the remaining food be my one defeat of the week. Hopefully, I can remember to be more careful about where I leave the food.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Week One

I never realized how much I spill...all the time. Especially in the morning, BUT I've been reaching for towels instead of paper towels.

In the studio, the whole no paper towels isn't going to work. There are just too many gross chemicals that I'm not able to deal with on towels. So only for drying will I be using regular towels and I just got 18 washclothes for that today. The paper towels I've been using in the studio that aren't nasty I'm laying out to dry and reusing.

Week 1:

Day 1. (thurs) – didn’t use any paper in my office. I think I’m gun shy and don’t trust myself to properly dispose of it.

Day 2. (fri 23)– I successfully printed out some forms on both sides of my paper..….I I took a chance but think I can do this.

Day 3. (sat 24) – was in a workshop all day and didn’t use any paper at all in my office.

Day 4. (sun 25) - I have officially set aside a paper bag to continue my mission. I’m committed.

Report on fellow Promise Plate participant:

Sunday oct 25th – I believe Shelley Given is cheating. Her idea is to not use any kind of electricity for 8 hours on five Sundays and I know for a fact that she is returning from Florida on this very Sunday. She is therefore:

1. Using electricity at the hotel

2. Most likely using her phone

3. On a plane using jet fuel – yea, I know that one is the worst!!!

4. Then she will be in her car for the drive home on 67 b/c I know she is

too lazy to walk that far.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

a boy and his squirrel (now thats some local eatin')

Name: Phil Haralam
Age: 29
Occupation: student/ associate instructor of art
Place of Residence: Bloomington , IN

1. I would like to eat food that is grown and produced locally to Bloomington, IN. If at times this becomes impossible, I would like to become more aware of where and how far the food has traveled.

2. Food that is shipped must have preservatives and other elements that do not add to its quality or healthiness. Also, the additional amount of petroleum needed to transport this food is wasteful and unnecessary.

3. I will read all labels to determine where the food is grown or packaged. I will also start going to the farmers market and the local grocers like Bloomingfoods to get local food.

4. Becoming aware of what is available from local farmers and food producers will make it easier to choose local over national or international foodstuffs. The less my food has to travel the less impact I have on the environment.

sentence for plate: Eating a local apple a day keeps the guilt away.